Fans snappen er niets van: "Waarom deed Chelsea dat met Batshuayi?"

Batshuayi zorgde voor vuurwerk in Dortmund. Met twee doelpunt bezorgde hij de Duitsers vanavond de zege en dat zagen ook de Chelsea-fans. Die vroegen zich luidop af waarom Chelsea Batshuayi, nu al 5 doelpunten, lieten gaan. Ze vrezen dan ook een Salah- of De Bruyne-scenario.
Chelsea are diabolical.
— Days since Arteta won a trophy (@Daysincetrophy) February 15, 2018
Giving away players like Batshuayi, Zouma, De Bruyne, Salah, Matic.
Never seen a team hammer themselves in the leg so much.
Why have Chelsea let batshuayi leave, the boy scores goals
— Conor Eynon (@conoreynon) February 15, 2018
Why did Chelsea let Batshuayi go 😂
— Jay Doyle (@JayDoyle7) February 15, 2018
I bet Chelsea are regretting loaning our Batshuayi, two goals from him tonight! More to add, since joining Dortmund last month.....How can they possibly think Morata is better than Batshuayi?? Lol! 🤦♂️
— The Red Revolution (@RedRevolution95) February 15, 2018
Of course Batshuayi suddenly had to turn world class after leaving Chelsea. It's getting a normal phenomenon now
— Variant Unknown (@variant_anon) February 15, 2018
Batshuayi really left Chelsea and is out here glistening for Dortmund.
— . (@Willzzzyy) February 15, 2018
Baffled me when Chelsea wanted to get rid of Batshuayi, now it baffles me even more the guy is a serial goalscorer!
— Nathan Owen (@Nathan290594) February 15, 2018